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So, this morning while I sat in meditation, I had one of those float through thoughts.  Hey Lisa, how about trying a Moderation Month, instead of a full on deny yourself and do the super hard challenge of a completely dry March?  The idea of being completely alcohol free for a whole month seems impossible to me.  I am a social person and more often than not, alcohol is involved.  I started the first weekend of March with a good dose of that socialising thing and I really want to take a good look at moderation.  Because I am a “healthy life” coach I want to live a healthy life and set a good example.  I kinda thought I should put it out there as a challenge on my social media too.  We’ll see where that goes.  If you read my last blog post you know that overwhelms me and might likely lead to a little day drinking.  Just kidding.  I don’t usually drink during the day, especially during the week.

So, the other motivator is to lose a little winter weight.  We all know how bad booze is if that’s the goal.  I’m going to another retreat in Nashville in April and I want to feel great, slim, and healthy.  Apparently it’s also really good for the skin to not drink too much, so this moderation idea just seems to have some extra perks without the deprivation being a factor.

Health is also a very real factor in my decision to cut right back.  I always feel good when I wake up after a night of not drinking at all.  When I do a have a few I still get up and get on with my day, just a little more slowly and sluggish with a case of the guilts.  Recent studies show that more than 2 drinks a week can have adverse heath consequences, and after having Colon Cancer I kinda feel like I’m playing Russian Roulette with my guts. (See Blog Cover Photo). Probably a dumb idea.

So, reminders for my motivation…

Having said all that first bit, it turns out moderation isn’t as easy as it would seem.  Something I know about myself is that I’m a bit of a boozer once the cork comes out of that bottle of wine.  I have overindulged twice since I was last writing at the beginning of the month.  What now?  Should I be looking at hitting up a meeting somewhere?  Yikes.  Maybe I’ll look for half bottles at the wine store… I know I can manage to not open that second bottle, so just get smaller bottles. The inner engineering side of me says  you’ve got this, and all the rules are my rules.  I am going to try this coming weekend to see how I do.  I know I sure want to open a bottle when I get frustrated, but I don’t do it and make tea instead.  That’s a good thing, right?

Ok, then there’s the serendipity thing again… I was trying to see where I would go with the rest of this instalment of of my monthly blog and tada, along comes a Mel Robbins podcast in my inbox today.  She’s interviewing a Dr Sarah Wakeman regarding alcohol and it’s over use and busted some myths about it too.  I won’t go into detail, you can check her out if you’re so inclined.  A few pointers I got out of it,that I will share,  were to ask myself these questions:  How much do I Crave a drink? Do I drink more than I want to? Do I want to make changes, but can’t seem to?  Do people worry about me and the amount I drink?  Do I get heart burn? Do I lose sleep?  These are all good questions to ask yourself if you are looking at the drinking thing with some curiosity too.  I found the podcast very informative with some great tips on what to do if someone you love is having trouble with alcohol.  It was aired on March 13, 2024 and I would highly recommend a listen.  If you would like to read a good book on the subject, I recommend one by Amanda E. White, LPC., Not Drinking Tonight, A guide to creating a sober life you love.  Yes, I pulled that one off the shelf and had another look.

So, as I prepare to close this month’s blog instalment I have decided that I am a work in progress, like most of us.  I will continue to do my best and just try to keep getting better at looking after myself in all the ways.  It’s always easier said than done when it comes to self improvement and self care.  I will never claim to be perfect but I will keep trying to be the best me that I can be.  I’m human, and I’m not getting out of here alive either.  I will live my best life and have a drink or two whenever I want.  Maybe eventually I’ll decide it’s no longer for me, like I did with cigarettes 6 years ago, but in the mean time I will be more mindful of the what and why on the drinking thing.

Until next time… Just keep trying to live your best life, from the InsideOut.


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