


Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM

Book Writers Retreat in Nashville 2024 was a bit of an eye opener.  I didn’t even really know I would like to write a book.  Well, actually, I had thought about it but never too seriously until now.  Now I think, what the hell, I could give it a shot and see where it goes.

I don’t want to write a self help book because mostly, there are enough of those out there.  I’m thinking more along the lines of a novel based loosely on my life.  I started with a couple of stories from my childhood and the farm but my memory is pretty shitty. By shitty I mean the recall and how some of it was a little cathartic, but my memory has a lot of holes too. Which could likely be due to trauma but that’s a whole different story and I’m not going to go live there. It is kind of fun to recall parts of my past and where I have been and what I have done, or dreamt about doing.  I can add that stuff if I make it a fiction, as though it all happened.  Also, it’s likely a better thing because I have living family that would probably dispute much of it and recall it the way they saw it all unfold.

I arrived at Jenn Grace’s house in Henderson, Tennessee.  Just outside of Nashville.  It was a warm spring day in early April and it was nice to see the trees had leafed out and the grass green.  I don’t know if it ever gets brown in Tennessee.  Jenn Grace lives in a beautiful home that she hosts retreats in.  This lady is a master manifester and I’m so happy to know her.  We started the retreat with the normal opening ceremony, where we set an intention and introduce ourselves to the other guests.  There were only 7 of us including Jenn so it was nice and comfortable sharing and getting to know one another a bit.  I love the community that Jenn has built and I love going to her retreats.  This one being the third that I have attended, but the first one at her home.

Jenn has written a book through Hayhouse, and knows the in’s and out’s of publishing and story telling.  Since I have been home I haven’t carved out the time to continue to write but I have been reading books on how to write.  That really doesn’t count I know, but it is a sign that I haven’t given up.  The book I’m reading at the moment is “Bird by Bird” by Anne Lamott. Jenn recommended it and so far it has offered some good information.  I think the name of the game is to just do it and see where it goes.  Turns out that I have more books on writing in my collection, which tells me it’s been in my head for a while.  I’ve also started carrying around a little notebook with me to jot things down as they pop into my head where ever I might be.  It’s also fun learning to watch people and situations unfold and be more present.  One never knows where that next story might come from and it’s fun to be open to anything.

The lesson’s I take away is that anything is possible and there is always something new to try.  If I don’t love it, I don’t have to do it.  It is a form of creativity though and I have always liked to write.  Journaling has been a good outlet, and so is this blog.  It’s just taking another step in discovering who I am and what I like.  As a life coach it’s something I would recommend to my clients.  The discovering who you are part is what I mean.  It’s fun!!

With love from The InsideOut!

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