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Mon - Fri: 9AM - 5PM

Well here we are again.  I always think this is going to be a better year than the last few, and I am learning that that is entirely up to me.  Like all the things…It is all up to me and how I handle life.  I was out doing a little Christmas shopping at the local Winners/Homesence and the music was loud and there seemed to be more people there than usual on a Monday.  I recognised very quickly the feeling of anxiety creeping in and headed straight to the bath and body section.  Yup, bought some lavender bath salts and got the hell out of there.  I’ll try again another day.  There’s still some weeks before Christmas, and I don’t get it all done too early on purpose.

This time of year is so hard on so many people.  All the things that have accumulated over the year.  Marriages that have ended and loved ones that have passed away and left a hole. Maybe kids that have moved away and won’t be home this year. Christmas changes and in many cases will never to be what it once was.

We humans seem to be feeling so much overwhelm with life on a daily basis and then along comes the “Festive Season”…(insert barfing emoji here)..It is all a little overwhelming and I think that there’s so many of us that feel like we are navigating it all on our own.  We really are.  We are all on this journey of life alone and we invite others along for the ride.  The others being family and friends, and it all can be a little messy sometimes. BUT…it can be a beautiful thing too, on occasion.

It comes down to how we handle the inner turmoil.  I have grabbed a shot of Tequila a time or two, but that is never a good solution.  Today when I was triggered into a slight angst attack, I put Helen on her leash and went for a walk.  Took some deep breaths and looked around.  The sky was a pretty pinkish colour to the west and there was a cute little chickadee in a tree, the air was cool in my lungs and on my face and Helen makes me smile too, when she has to run to catch up and her ears flop.  It’s these little things that can keep the lid on, and a reminder that we are alive and life is pretty good. Whatever it is that is getting us down at the moment is only in the moment, it will pass. Remembering it will pass does help a little. We can’t control other people, we can only control ourselves and how we react.  Nobody is going to change who they are or what they do to just make us happy.  It is totally and completely up to us to to the work.

So, as I move forward into this Christmas season I am going to keep reminding myself that, I am the one that makes my rules, I have a pretty great life and plenty to be grateful for.  It’s totally okay to cry if the feels are there.  Laughter and tears both work.  Today I feel sad but tomorrow will be another day and I will look forward to what that might have to bring. That Lavender bubble bath will come in handy tonight before bed, maybe with that little glass of wine.

Just looking after myself from the Inside Out… And hopefully help someone else along my way to know they’re not alone.


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