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Today I feel like I could just scream!!!  I have been trying to shake off the anxiety and feeling sad about life and all the shit it has been dealing for a while now.  I know “This too shall pass”, but… sometimes depression sets in and I have a really hard time.  I know there are so many people out there that feel this way more often than not.

That was yesterday.

Today I listened to my guided meditation before getting out of bed, then while I was having coffee I was scrolling and this big article comes up on my feed…15 signs that you are at risk for DEPRESSION.  Well according to the 15 signs, I’d say pretty much every soul out there should be suffering from some sort of depression.  YIKES!! I’m going to try to summarize  the content for you.  I’d like to know what you think in the comments, mostly because I’m curious.

Lifestyle factors including sleep, diet and exercise…I do all of these things well on the daily except when I get super sad. I can hardly eat, and sleep is pretty tough too.  I have to coach myself like crazy to get a handle on it. Exercise is a must almost daily because it’s how I got off of the anti-depressant meds after John died.  It works for me, but it doesn’t shake it off entirely sometimes.

1. History of depression in the past has a 50% chance of returning after one episode and a 90% chance if you’ve had 3 or more episodes.

2. Neuroticism (Googled, it’s defined as a mental state that keeps us in a state of stress, but not quite a loss of reality.)  For example people studied are more likely than the average person to be moody and to experience feelings such as anxiety, worry, fear, anger, frustration, envy, jealousy, guilt, loneliness, and depressed mood.   Yup, I’m thinking that’s most of us much of the time.

3. Overwhelming anxiety, where we avoid things that bring any discomfort.  Sometimes that’s social anxiety.

4. Insomnia (trouble sleeping). It’s also a symptom of depression, but can be the cause if there are several nights of bad sleep.  I’m thinking that a night-shift sleep-deprived mother might be at a pretty high risk on this one.

5. Adverse childhood experiences.  Negative experiences early in life.  Yikes, that’s probably most of us too.  These include but aren’t limited to parents getting divorced, physical abuse, sexual abuse, neglect, witnessing violence, a parent’s death and other things that have now been classified as trauma (Big T and Little t trauma).

6. Death of a loved one.  Losing a loved one in adulthood also raises the risk.  I imagine a spouse is high on this list being that it’s a major life changer.  It’s said that the depression from this can last up to 5 years or more.

7. High Stress.  There’s all sorts of these factors in most peoples lives on the daily.  Financial difficulties, being robbed, trouble at work, kids doing harmful activities, or getting incarcerated all elevate the risk for depression.

8. Break-up or Divorce.  That’s a biggie and it’s happening all the time too, causing stress, loneliness, a loss of sense of belonging and connection.

9. Extended Illness.  Having a chronic health condition.  One that causes an emotional strain and or limitations on the body.  Scientifically extended illnesses tend to act on the same inflammatory pathways linked to depression.  Which can lead to the next thing…

10. Long-term Caregiving.  Taking care of someone that is chronically sick or incapacitated.  An elderly member of the family, like a parent or grandparent.  A spouse with a life threatening disease or injury.

11. Job Loss.  Job insecurity can be a factor too.

12. Dark Months. Living in a part of the world with very little daylight in the winter months and several cloudy days. Also known as SAD (Seasonal Affectiveness Disorder) This is where lots of Vit D is important.

13. Highly Processed Diet. Bad food like drive-through meals with lots of white flour, high sugar content, processed meats and very few fruits and vegetables.  Clean up your diet, it’s not that difficult.  A little planning is a good idea.

14. Lack of Exercise.  Get off yer butt and go for a walk.  Getting out into nature is really great even on a colder day.  It has amazing positive results and really does work.  This is a go-to remedy for my sad days.

15. Day-to-Day Pains in the Ass.  Like the days you feel like there isn’t enough time in the day to do everything.  Having to be in more than one place at a time because you’re a busy mum with kids, who are in lots of activities.  Maybe your basement floods. Maybe you’re always worried about your weight. The car didn’t start and you were already late.  LIFE!!

I am not making light of any of these things by any means.  If you are feeling an excess of anxiety or thinking you’re depressed, please talk to someone.

Yesterday I just had a talk and a little cry with a sweet friend that listened.  It helped.

Alcohol does not help.  I’ve tried that to on a few occasions and it just leads to a sadder day tomorrow.

I’m here too.  I want to help people learn all the ways that have helped me over the past 7 years of my life.

Maybe get a puppy ❤️


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